The Inclusive Local Economic Opportunity Initiative (ILEO) brings together the private, public, and community sectors to find innovative ways to reduce gaps in economic prosperity at the neighbourhood level. ILEO is convened by United Way Greater Toronto and BMO Financial Group. Toronto’s Greater Golden Mile is the first neighbourhood to be part of the ILEO Initiative.

Big changes are coming to Scarborough’s Greater Golden Mile.
Over the next 20 years, three new transit lines and over 35,000 residential units are going to be built in the area. We want to ensure that this redevelopment provides real job and business opportunities for residents.
In 2018, UWGT and BMO Financial Group convened ILEO, building on United Way’s resident-led work to continue strengthening neighbourhoods in Peel, Toronto and York Region.
The Inclusive Local Economic Opportunity Initiative (ILEO) brings together the private, public, and community sectors to find innovative ways to reduce economic gaps at the neighbourhood level. Click here to see the members of the Leadership Table.
ILEO is a unique model working collaboratively to create economic opportunity that is inclusive, local, and informed by residents.
Since 2021, ILEO has seen solid, tangible results from its pilot projects co-led by partners:
Read about ILEO in the news

Read articles related to the Inclusive Local Economic Opportunity program and the partners, pilot projects and impact in the the area.
Want to know more about ILEO Opportunities?
If you’re a resident of the Greater Golden Mile, fill out our online form and we’ll connect with you about training, resources, and job opportunities.