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affordable housing

June 12, 2024

Keeping neighbourhoods affordable 

United Way Greater Toronto is partnering on supportive housing initiatives and community land trusts to ensure people stay housed

June 03, 2024

“Everything has to start with a stable home” 

A United Way-funded program serving the 2SLGBTQ+ community connected Diana to wraparound support, safe housing and her peers

March 22, 2024

Supporting survivors of gender-based violence as they build new lives

A United Way-funded agency helped Francisca find safety and family

March 01, 2024

6 ways to make life better for women in the GTA

How do you eliminate gendered poverty? Start by creating smart public policies, like these places around the globe.

December 19, 2023

The Crucial Role of Corporate Partnership in Strengthening Charitable Organizations

I have seen firsthand the difference community services can make. And if we, as a society, do not invest in their ongoing ability to support people through life’s challenges, we may all come to understand the difference their absence can make.

December 09, 2023

Holiday Gift Ideas and the Gift of Community

This week we're talking about the gift of giving, affordable housing, the results from our CN Tower climb, holiday gift ideas and getting married on a streetcar.

November 08, 2023

How the power of partnership is building neighbourhoods

United Way's Inclusive Local Economic Opportunity (ILEO) initiative brings together myriad stakeholders to ensure that future development doesn't displace residents and reinforce inequality.

October 14, 2023

Check out our OpenHouse

We're talking about the affordable and accessible housing, our community campaign and funding for equity-deserving agencies.

June 10, 2023

Celebrating Indigenous History Month

This week we're talking about Indigenous History Month, rental replacement policies, affordability and Pride Month.

April 14, 2023

Why do we volunteer?

This week we're talking about National Volunteer Week, Ontario's minimum wage increase and inclusive affordable housing.

March 18, 2023

Where do the Toronto mayoral candidates stand?

This week we're talking about our upcoming Toronto mayoral election debate, the demand for shelter use in Peel and the importance of culturally relevant mental health supports.

March 04, 2023

Celebrating International Women’s Day with a BIG announcement

This week we're talking about International Women's Day, the provincial budget and sharing an exciting update about our 2022 Community Campaign.